March 27, 2013
Dear Missionary Family:
This e-mail is to advise you that your missionary has arrived safely in the Hungary Budapest Mission. We are excited for the safe arrival of each of the missionaries! Here is a group photograph taken of the missionaries at the Budapest Airport.
I conducted brief interviews and welcomed the missionaries to the Mission. We had dinner and the missionaries then went to bed.
Today, the missionaries were taken to have photographs taken for residency permits. While they were out, the missionaries contacted individuals on the street, inviting them to receive the message of the restored Gospel. The missionaries then returned to the office for some instruction regarding mission rules and financial matters.
Following the brief training, companionship and city assignments were made. The missionaries departed (with their new companions) to their assigned cities.
We have asked the missionaries to e-mail their family on Preparation Day (Monday). You should expect to hear from your missionary then.
We know that you will be excited to share your missionary’s experiences with others. We would caution you regarding posting of personal, sensitive, private information on the Internet. In a recent letter from the Missionary Department, it states:
Protecting the privacy of those whom the missionaries are teaching is a matter of courtesy, respect, and security. We live in a time when anything posted on the Internet can become widely available to people beyond the originally intended audience. . . When missionaries write home, they should not share sensitive information that might be used to identify people they are teaching or members they are working with.
Your missionary is excited to “invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ, and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.”
Thank you for your prayers on behalf of your missionary – and on behalf of the missionaries in the Hungary Budapest Mission. We are excited to have your missionary with us. The work is moving forward in Hungary. Your missionary will be a vital part of our efforts here. Thank you for sending your missionary to us.
Best personal regards,
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